
Reading for Present Moment and for October

Beloved hearts, this is a reading for the present moment and also for the month of October <3
There is a strong message for you of relaxing and trusting that everything will and is working out perfectly and in accordance to your highest good and all concerned. You are right on track, you are exactly where you need and are meant to be for your growth and expansion. Spirit says that you can relax and trust that fully. 

There is a sense of completion of a phase/chapter/state, and openings to even more fulfillment, abundance, joy and blessings. Through a balance and things have come full circle, a new door opens now and with faith and trust in your self, you walk through it. We have so much power within us, and spirit tell us that we are to focus and stay devoted to our true hearts goals and dreams. Patience and not giving up is key here. You are doing great and are absolutely amazing! 

Make a wish!, and know that no matter what, you will receive it and so much more. There are endless of possibilities and opportunities now. 
I hope you enjoyed this little reading and if you wish to receive a more in depth personal reading from me, order your own here 

Within divine Love-Light, divine goodness, and Mastery. I AM, we are.
I Love You, Lina Louise <3

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