

The entire month of September will be perfect for attracting abundance in all areas of our lives, we have been cultivating our inner balance as well as our spirituality the previous months and now it is finally time to reap what we sow, so if we know how to channel these powerful energies, we will find ourselves submerged into an infinite stream of abundance and Love, we just have to know what we want, put intention into it and send the rocks of our desires to the universe, the rest will come as we keep moving. <3

New Moon in Virgo ~ Embodying our True Essence to Manifest Abundance

This New Moon in Virgo will be a very powerful one in terms of putting in action all we have learnt before, we took a time for our own selves, we learnt how to listen to our Soul and know what we truly want and now it is the time to put all this into practice, we also planted our wishes to manifest them now. We have been through two Grand Trines in this intense summer and also a very powerful Full Blue Moon in Aquarius on August 20 which boosted us into a state of creativity and a reconnection stage with our intuition and soul, so we could finally discovered our most inner desires and dreams. All the astrological events during this summer and the last Full Moon were all about looking within, healing past wounds and reconnecting again with our Souls, so in this New Moon in Virgo everything is about directing all that we have been learning during all this time into something prosperous and more pragmatic, we have to put into action all the things we have been meditating in order to create abundance, love and physical balance in our lives as we are humans after all and the main thing is to embody all of our Divine attributes into our human lives. In this New Moon we give birth again to ourselves, as we are constantly evolving and ascending, we become empowered by who we truly are and embrace our true essence without fearing of expressing the wondrous souls we truly are.

Virgo rules everything that has to do with work, money, and external power, so it will help us a lot to empower ourselves so we can have the necessary strength for ascending at our own pace, as ascension is an eternal process and we all need our own space and time to keep evolving. The entire month of September will be perfect for attracting abundance in all areas of our lives, we have been cultivating our inner balance as well as our spirituality the previous months and now it is finally time to reap what we sow, so if we know how to channel these powerful energies, we will find ourselves submerged into an infinite stream of abundance and love, we just have to know what we want, put intention into it and send the rocks of our desires to the universe, the rest will come as we keep moving.

The New Moon on September 5 will take place at 13 degrees Virgo, the Sun will shine in Virgo as well to the Fall Equinox on September 22nd. It will trine Pluto in Capricorn and sextile Jupiter in Cancer and even if Virgo is a sensitive sign, it is even more pragmatic and perfectionist, and this linked to the fact that Capricorn is a very organized sign and together with the presence of Cancer, will give us the necessary strength and motivation to move on with our daily tasks and to seek balance not only in our Souls but also in our errands as September is going to be a perfect month for collecting the seeds we once planted and receiving everything we were waiting for in terms of abundance in all its forms, not only when dealing with money but also by receiving all the love we have been sharing and everything that will make us grow in all senses not only in a financial one. The strongest astrological event that will make us feel even rational will be Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in harmony with the Virgo New Moon, these planets are the perfect combination to obtain a wealthy life and to attract success as well as all the money we may need to start our new projects and other things we have in mind. Another important aspect will be the one formed by the waxing sextile between Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, helping us to release the old so we could make room for the new to come into our lives, so we can finally discover our true potential and create the perfect conditions for new possibilities and opportunities to come.

A very important aspect on this New Moon is the Asteroid and Healer, Chiron, which is in Pisces, opposing the Sun and the Moon, and this will give us intuition, sensitivity and also the opportunity to heal all the wounds we still have in our hearts. Chiron can make our most inner feelings come to the surface, as fears, insecurities etc.., but it is always a good moment, as Chiron is the wounded healer, to purify our minds and hearts and release all that is no longer serving us into the ascension process as well as our inner balance. Another relevant event on this New Moon is the planet Ceres, another Healer and provider, who is together with the Sun and Mercury in Virgo at the beginning of this month. Ceres, from the ancient times, was the Roman name for Demeter, and Demeter means : the mother, the ones who nurtures, the one who makes everything grows and provides abudance, so here we have another important synchronicity that tells us about September being a perfect month to start new things and to collect abundance in our lives.

It is also a very good moment for relationships to flourish as Venus will be in Libra, and it will be semi-sextile Mercury in Virgo, which is perfect for resolving old differences and start again our relationships with a fresh air until September 11, in which Venus will be in Scorpio and we could finally find the excitement and the required passion in our relationships. Mercury will help us as well to focus ourselves more on love and in our relationships by entering in Libra on September 9. Another positive event that will also benefit us is the Grand square that Mercury in Libra forms with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto on September 14-19 by which we will feel peace, balance and love for ourselves, helping us to grow from within so we could start other relationships as well. I feel it will be a good time to talk with some people from our past and heal all of our past issues with them as well as restart relationships that have been stagnant for a time and that now will be a great moment to meet again if it is meant to be and come to an agreement.

Respect, treat and love yourself as the wondrous Divine being that you are, know that your presence on Earth is irreplaceable, that the world would never be the same without your own creation and light. Be brave to be who you really are, express your soul and share its unique message, and let the world hears you, let us enjoy the magnificent being that you are. It is time to be strong, to know what we want and to go for it, the whole universe is waiting for you to simply give the first step, do not worry about the details, they will fall into place at the right time. Do your Soul´s mission, the world will benefit from it, speak your truth and begin to manifest the Divine lovelight that you are and by doing so you will obtain everything that you need and desire, just be YOU.

Reblogged from: www.starseedsoul.com

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